My belly button was a Phillips head screw and I’m working on screwing it, and when I get it unscrewed, my penis falls off. So now I’m walking around with my penis, looking for the guy who used to work on my Lincoln to try and put it back on. And I’m holding it up, and this bird flies by, swoops by and takes it and flies off.
Dreams involving the loss of body parts can be related to feelings of powerlessness or a lack of control in your waking life. Your dream could symbolize a fear of losing your sense of masculinity or feeling emasculated in some way. The bird taking your penis away may represent feelings of vulnerability and loss. It is also possible that your dream stems from anxiety about losing control over a situation that is important to you. The search for the mechanic could symbolize your desire to regain control or find a solution to a problem in your life. You may be feeling vulnerable or exposed in some way, and this dream may reflect your need to address those feelings and find ways to assert yourself and reclaim your power.